Psoriasis, Sickle-Cell Disease, Spinal Cord Injuries how can help Cannabis

Cannabis plant a cures cannabis

Cannabis is used by many patients to treat psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin. It occurs when the immune system mistakes the skin cells as a pathogen and sends out faulty signals. Cannabis is used by many patients to treat psoriasis; the positive reaction is thought to be due to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids and their regulatory effects on the immune system. Regular topical applications of a cannabis-based cream or lotion can be beneficial and effective for many sufferers.

Cannabis is effective in fighting pain

Sufferers of sickle-cell anemia inherit a disease that is passed down through families, resulting in red blood cells forming an abnormal sickle or crescent shape within the body. Red blood cells carry oxygen and are normally shaped like a disc. Cannabis does not cure sickle-cell anemia but is highly effective in managing pain. Cannabis also acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory without any side effects. The ocular (eyes and vision) effects of sickle-cell disease result from vascular occlusion, which may occur in the conjunctiva, iris, retina, and choroid. Cannabis provides neuroprotective effects that may reduce the incidence of retinopathy and neuropathy.

People with injuries testify to the effectiveness of Cannabis

Cannabinoids are effective in reducing spasticity, and reports by individuals with these injuries have revealed a beneficial effect of cannabis use. The relaxing effect of cannabis on muscles in patients with spinal cord injury–related spasticity is due to an anti-spastic effect rather than a general relaxation response. According to data published in the Journal of Neurotoxicity Research, the administration of cannabidiol (CBD) improves mobility in rats with spinal cord injuries. Investigators at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil assessed the impact of CBD on motor function in rats with cryogenically (frozen) induced spinal cord injury. The animals received injections of placebo or CBD immediately before, three hours after, and daily for six days after surgery. Researchers reported that cannabidiol-treated rats exhibited higher locomotor skills at the end of one week. Researchers reported, “Cannabidiol improved locomotor functional recovery and reduced injury extent, suggesting that it could be useful in the treatment of spinal cord lesions.”